Teaching colleges in Johannesburg

Teaching colleges in Johannesburg

Best Teaching Colleges in Johannesburg. Greenview College specializes in a variety of teaching courses in Johannesburg.

The qualification will enable graduates to enter a number of possible career paths, such as pattern technologists, designers, trend forecasters, retailers and/or buyers, and to apply their learning to particular employment contexts from the outset. A wide and diverse range of activities will take place across a structured programme, with an emphasis on research and creativity, and these will contribute towards the intended outcomes. 

Teaching colleges in Johannesburg​

 The study and application of the theoretical and creative components of the programme will actively encourage the students to broaden their knowledge base and commit themselves to the challenges of the future and to contribute to the expansion and development of the South African fashion/clothing industry as a whole. A student with this qualification will develop a deep and systematic understanding of current thinking, practice, theory and methodology in an area of specialization. With the introduction of General Education and the exposure to a range of elective modules, the student will be prepared for the social, personal and global work environment. Best Teaching colleges in Johannesburg offers the best education to the students

Duration 18 Months
Registration Fee R350.00
Deposit Fee R950.00
Monthly Fee R900.00 (18 Months)
Course Fee R17500.00

NB: Deposit And Registration Fees Are Non-Refundable.

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